The Professional Recognition Department of the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training (HIBB) is responsible for the recognition of professional qualifications from other countries.
This is how the recognition of professional qualifications works at HIBB:
The authority will examine your application on the basis of the Professional Qualifications Assessment Act of the Federal State of Hamburg (HmbBQFG). Anyone who lives or works in Hamburg or intends to do so can submit an application. The application for recognition can also be submitted from abroad. In the recognition procedure, the Professional Recognition Department compares the professional qualification obtained abroad with the professional qualification in Hamburg. This procedure is called equivalence assessment.
The application:
You can apply for professional recognition in writing or online, i.e. you can send your application either by post or by e-mail. The application form can be found in the Downloads section.
Please send us the completed application form. Please include copies of all required documents with your application. We will confirm receipt of your application by e-mail.
The process:
Once we have received all your documents, your application will be examined. It will be assessed whether your professional qualification is equivalent to the German professional qualification for which you are applying. For example, the content and duration of the training are important in this comparison. Your work experience, further training and other qualifications will also be taken into account.
If the result is positive, you will be invited to a personal appointment to present your original documents. No personal appointment is required if you have submitted certified copies of your documents.
The result:
You will receive a notice with the decision on your application and further information. If your qualification is equivalent, you will be officially recognised in your chosen profession. You will then be officially entitled to use the professional title. This gives you the same professional rights as a person with the German professional qualification. Your professional qualification is recognised.
Are there significant differences between your professional qualification and the German professional qualification that can, however, be compensated for? In this case, your professional qualification will be partially recognised. You can then complete a compensation measure. This will enable you to compensate for the differences identified.
There are different compensation measures:
- Adaptation period: You are in employment and, in parallel, take a course or training.
- Aptitude test: You take an exam to prove your competences.
- Additional practical experience: You gain practical experience to compensate for the identified deficits.
You can choose between an adaptation period or an aptitude test. If you successfully complete the compensation measures, you will receive full recognition.
You may apply to us for professional recognition for the following German professions:
- Childcare worker and child educator
- Special needs care worker and remedial teacher
- Nursery teacher assistant and childcare assistant
- Dance teacher
- Biological technical assistant
- Chemical technical assistant
- Commercial assistant with a focus on foreign languages, media industry or event and leisure industry
- Care assistant with a focus on home and family care
- Housekeeper and domestic support (school-based training)
- Design assistant with focus on technical communication and product design or on screen design
- Dressmaker
- Technician in the field of:
Structural engineering, chemical engineering, electrical engineering, paint and varnishing technology, aeronautical engineering, wood technology, car body and vehicle construction technology, machine technology, mechatronics, environmental protection technology
Please note: This qualification as a technician is at level 6 of the German Qualification Framework (DQR) and is obtained through postgraduate studies at a technical college. For admission to a technical college, you must have completed an apprenticeship in a corresponding profession and gained professional experience. It must therefore be checked in advance whether your qualification is at this training level. If you have completed an apprenticeship in a craft, please contact the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts.
What documents do I need to submit?
Please submit copies of the following documents by post or by e-mail:
- Application form – fully completed and signed
- Current curriculum vitae
- Identity card or passport
- Proof of residence in Hamburg (e.g. confirmation of registration) or of employment in Hamburg
- Not yet living in Hamburg? In this case, you have to prove that you want to live or work in Hamburg. For example, through job applications, a visa application, a personal declaration or similar documents
- Name change certificate or marriage certificate (only if your name has changed due to marriage)
- School leaving certificate (not required if you have an academic degree)
- Proof of your qualification: diploma, training certificate or academic degree
- Proof of the content and duration of your training (e.g. list of subjects, overview of grades, diploma supplement, transcript of records, etc.)
- Proof of professional experience (e.g. job reference or work book)
- Letters from other recognition departments or authorities (if any)
Please also submit a German translation of your documents. The translation should be certified by a sworn translator. No translation is required for English documents. Please do not submit original documents, but copies.
What does the application cost?
The application for professional recognition is free of charge at HIBB.
I have lost some documents. Can I still submit an application?
Yes. If you no longer have certain documents, please submit a written declaration in which you explain why you no longer have the documents and what exactly these documents are. We can find a solution together.
Do my documents need to have an apostille or legalisation?
No, we do not need an apostille or legalisation. You may present the original documents in a personal appointment with us. If an appointment should not be possible, e.g. because you are still abroad, you may send us officially certified copies of your documents. If the initial examination of your application shows that the application will be rejected, an appointment or certification is not required. We will inform you accordingly.
What do I need to bear in mind when applying from abroad?
You should submit the application by e-mail. Please never send your original documents to us. We do not need an apostille or legalisation.
It is recommended to obtain advice before you submit an application: Service Center for Professional Recognition (ZSBA). In Germany, there are many different authorities that are responsible for professional recognition. Counselling helps you find out where you need to submit your application. This saves you a lot of time and effort. Counselling also enables you to obtain information about financing costs and entry. You can also find out more here: Anerkennung in Deutschland
How long does it take to process my application?
The statutory processing period is a maximum of three months. Please note: Processing will not start until all required documents have been submitted.
Do I need German language skills for the application?
No, you can also submit the application without knowing German. However, German language skills of at least B2 level are usually required for completing a compensation measure.
Can I make an appointment?
Personal appointments may only be made after the application has been submitted in full. We will invite you to an appointment during the processing of your application. During this appointment, we will look at your original documents and advise you in detail on the result of your application. You can reach us daily by e-mail or telephone. If you need general advice on professional recognition, please contact a counselling centre – see info box.
Can I get advice beforehand?
Yes, a telephone consultation is possible at any time. Detailed advice in a personal appointment can only be given after you have submitted your application.
Do I need professional recognition at all?
Information on regulated and non-regulated professions:
Do you have a foreign professional qualification as a childcare worker and child educator or as a special needs care worker and remedial teacher? These professions are regulated in Germany. This means that you need professional recognition of your qualification to be permitted to work in these professions in Germany without restrictions.
All other professions in the list above are not regulated. This means that you do not need professional recognition to work as a technician, for example. However, professional recognition may improve your opportunities on the labour market. This way, the employer knows exactly to which German profession your qualification is comparable and can hire you accordingly.
What salary does one get as a childcare worker and child educator or as a childcare assistant?
You can use the German collective agreement for the public services of the federal states for employees in social and educational services TV-L S as a guidance. Childcare workers and child educators (“Erstkraft”) are generally categorised in salary group S 8b and childcare assistants (“Zweitkraft”) in salary group S 4.
Where does the compensation measure (AQUA) for childcare workers and child educators take place?
Staatliche Fachschule für Sozialpädagogik FSP2 (BS21)
Max-Brauer-Allee 134
22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49 40 428 11-17 03
Can I also obtain professional recognition as a childcare worker and child educator if I am a teacher?
Yes and no. It depends on what exactly your training is. It is usually not possible to obtain professional recognition as a childcare worker and child educator if (a) you are a teacher of a specific subject, such as English or Maths, etc., or (b) you are a teacher at secondary level or (c) you have completed teacher training below Bachelor’s level.
In Hamburg, it is possible to obtain partial professional recognition as a childcare worker and child educator if you have a degree in primary education. In this case, it is worth applying for professional recognition at HIBB.
Can I work as a childcare worker and child educator without recognition?
Yes. Do you have an academic degree? Then you may work in the field of childcare as a career changer via the “positive list”. You may apply for jobs at kindergardens, day care centres and afternoon care at schools. You will then be employed as a nursery teacher and childcare assistant (“Zweitkraft”) or as a childcare worker and child educator (“Erstkraft”). This is decided by the employer.
Do you have completed professional training below the academic level? Then you may also work in the field of childcare as a career changer. If you have found an employer who would like to hire you, an application for approval may be submitted to the Hamburg Kindergarden Supervisory Authority (“Kita-Aufsicht”). The application for approval is submitted by the employer.
What is the “positive list”?
This is a regulation of the Hamburg social authorities. The objective is to enable more persons to work in childcare to counter the shortage of skilled labour. The “positive list” defines which qualifications are enabled to work in childcare as a career changer. The regulation can be found here:
Where can I get financial support for the costs of professional recognition?
All costs incurred in connection with professional recognition may be covered by the Federal Employment Agency (“Agentur für Arbeit“) or the Jobcenter. If you are a client of the agency or the Jobcenter please apply for financial support in advance. If your application is rejected or if you are employed below your professional qualification, you can apply for funding from the scholarship programme of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg at the Counselling Centre for Recognition of Qualifications (Zentrale Anlaufstelle Anerkennung). The costs of German translations, certified copies and compensation measures can be funded.
Can I also work in other federal states with a professional recognition from Hamburg?
Yes. As soon as you have received professional recognition from the competent authority, you have the same professional rights as a person who has completed the professional training in Germany.
Section 10 (3) of the Professional Qualifications Assessment Act of the Federal State of Hamburg (HmbBQFG):
“To the extent that the competent authority of a federal state has determined equivalence, the holder of this professional qualification shall be treated as if the professional qualification regulated by state law had been acquired in that federal state.”