Schlagwort: international

Global Learning Partnerships

As part of the iniative of the Ministry for International Cooperation, the Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training (HIBB) is committed to Education for Sustainable Development (BNE) and Global Learning (GL) in Vocational Education and Training. Five vocational schools in Hamburg are


International Counselling Activities

Visiting / information programmes for education and labour ministries of other countries interested The Hamburg Institute of Vocational Education and Training (HIBB) offers visiting and information programmes for education and labour ministries of other countries interested in dual training. Thus th


International mobility

According to the German vocational education act (BBiG) parts of vocational education and training can be completed abroad. This opportunity is taken on by an increasing number of trainees in order to acquire intercultural competence. In 2019 nearly 1,400 trainees in Hamburg took the opportunity to


VET International

In the age of globalization the exchange of international experience is becoming increasingly important, this also applies to vocational education and training. Against the background of a high rate of youth unemployment and the need for professionally qualified personnel in many countries both in E


The Dual Training „Made in Germany”

Basically in Germany there are three options to enter the labor market. The most common way from school to the labour market is dual training. Full-time vocational schools offer training programmes which lead to recognized occupations and qualifications. Universities and universities of applied scie


Hamburg Institute for Vocational Education and Training

The HIBB was founded in January 2007 as an independent state owned management agency (“Landesbetrieb”). The institute belongs to the Hamburg Ministry of Schools and Vocational Education. It comprises all 30 vocational schools in Hamburg and the headquarters. Tasks of the headquarters include adm


Berufsbildung International

Im Zeitalter der Globalisierung wird der internationale Erfahrungsaustausch immer wichtiger, das gilt auch für die berufliche Bildung. Vor dem Hintergrund der hohen Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und des Bedarfs an beruflich qualifizierten Fachkräften in vielen Ländern  Europas, aber auch weltweit,
